Enthec certificada ENS

Enthec Solutions obtains ENS high-level certification.

  We are pleased to tell you that Enthec Solutions has just completed its Cybersecurity Services certification process in the National Security Scheme (ENS) with a high level.
Since its inception, Enthec has been unwaveringly committed to the safety of our customers, which is the basis of the trust in the commercial relationship.
This commitment translates into absolute control over the development and operation of our solutions. Our entire offer consists of cybersecurity solutions that use technology developed entirely by our team and without back doors since they do not depend on third parties at any time. This feature makes us unique within the cybersecurity software development sector.
In addition to this internal control of the development and operation of our solutions, we add other external ones that guarantee the safety of our products and processes by obtaining prestigious security certifications, such as ENS high level and ISO 27001, in whose certification process we are already immersed.
In this way, we continue reinforcing our commitment to our customers’ security by offering solutions to complete their cybersecurity strategy and through our internal corporate structure.  

Enthec certified ENS high level