Database Protection

The capabilities of Kartos XTI Watchbots allow the insurer to have in the same platform a cyber-protection tool and a tool for objective and accurate risk assessment of one of its most demanded and most promising products.


The insurance company had two cybersecurity fronts open in different departments, with different approaches and business utility. On the one hand, it was looking for a cybersecurity solution that would allow it to keep its sensitive databases protected in real time and control the organisation's IT risk. On the other hand, it needed to find a way to gain accuracy in the assessment with objective and up-to-date data of the cyber policies offered to its customers.


In addition to having its external attack surface continuously monitored in real time to protect its information and systems, and to obtain objective and up-to-date data on the cybersecurity status of cyber policyholders, the Insurer is building a new service to introduce Cybersecurity Scoring provided by Kartos XTI Watchbots into the offering to its customers.


Once the client’s needs have been analysed, Enthec Solutions proposes the use of the Kartos XTI Watchbots platform to the insurance company, through two types of licences, to solve the two fronts. With an Enterprise licence, the need for real-time protection of its databases and control of the company’s IT risk is covered. With a Third-Party licence, you can obtain objective, real-time data on the cybersecurity status of your potential client that complements and adjusts those obtained through traditional assessment tests (pentesting and due diligence) to make an accurate assessment of the risk of each cyber-policy studied.