Tendencias de ciberseguridad

The 5 Cybersecurity Trends You Need to Know


Businesses should invest in staying up-to-date with the latest cybersecurity trends to protect against threats, maintain customer trust, comply with regulations, and protect their reputation.


Importance of cybersecurity today

In today’s economic and technological environment, cybersecurity has become a top priority for companies, institutions, and states.

With the digitalization of business processes and the increasing dependence on technology, ensuring information security has become essential to ensure the sustainability of organizations in the medium and long term.

Cybersecurity not only involves protecting a company’s systems and networks against external attacks, but also ensuring the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data.

This is especially relevant in a business environment, where the loss or theft of information can have serious financial and reputational consequences.

Staying on top of cybersecurity trends at all times is a must, as cyberattacks are becoming more sophisticated and frequent.. Cybercriminals use a variety of tactics, from phishing to ransomware, to exploit security vulnerabilities.

Businesses need to be prepared to deal with these threats and have incident response plans in place.

In addition, cybersecurity is critical to complying with data protection regulations.. Businesses are required by law to protect the personal information of their customers and employees. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in significant fines and damage the company’s reputation.

In addition, cybersecurity is also crucial to maintaining customer trust.. If customers don’t trust that their data is secure, they may choose not to do business with a company. As such, cybersecurity is essential for customer retention and acquisition.


Discover the 5 cybersecurity trends

The development of technology brings with it new forms of cyberattacks and new ways to protect against them.. Staying on top of each other’s trends is the foundation of any effective cybersecurity strategy.

  • Increased focus on Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the field of cybersecurity, emerging as an essential tool for protecting computer systems against cyber threats. As cyberattacks become more sophisticated, Artificial Intelligence offers new ways to strengthen security and prevent attacks.

Although it also represents new challenges when used to execute attacks, Artificial Intelligence’s ability to analyze large amounts of data and learn from past attacks makes it a powerful tool in the fight against cybercrime.

Artificial Intelligence analyzes large amounts of data at a speed that surpasses that of humans. This allows cybersecurity tools to collect data and convert it into valuable information to identify patterns and detect gaps that may involve an attack. In addition, Artificial Intelligence learns from past attacks to prevent future threats.

Main areas of action of Artificial Intelligence in cybersecurity

One area where Artificial Intelligence is proving its effectiveness is in phishing detection.. AI algorithms can scan emails, the Internet, the deep web, the dark web, and social media for signs and actions of phishing.

In addition, thanks to artificial intelligence’s learning and analysis capacity, the most advanced cybersecurity tools on the market can eliminate false positives in search results.. Thus, artificial Intelligence guarantees the accuracy of automated tools and avoids the need for human review of the results.

However, despite these advances in protection, Artificial Intelligence also presents new security challenges.. Cybercriminals are exploiting it to carry out more sophisticated and hard-to-detect attacks.

Therefore, cybersecurity professionals and solutions must stay up-to-date with advancements and trends in Artificial Intelligence.

As Artificial Intelligence continues to evolve, its role in cybersecurity will become increasingly relevant.

Artificial Intelligence Cybersecurity Trends

  • Zero Trust Security

Zero Trust security is an emerging cybersecurity trend. Its essential quality is that it offers a robust and proactive approach to cybersecurity.. This approach is based on the principle of “never trust, always verify,” which means that no entity, internal or external, is considered trustworthy by default.

This trend focuses on protecting the organization’s resources, regardless of location.. This is especially significant today, where employees can work from anywhere, and data is often hosted in the cloud.

In a Zero Trust model, each access request is authenticated, authorized, and encrypted before being granted.. This applies even if the request comes from within the organization’s network. In this way, Zero Trust Security helps prevent insider threats, a risk ineffectively addressed in many organizations.

In addition, Zero Trust security uses micro-segmentation to divide the network into smaller zones.. This limits the lateral movement of attackers within the network, making it easier to contain any potential security threats.

However, implementing a Zero Trust model can be challenging for an organization.. It requires a change in mindset as it goes against the traditional approach based on trusting yet verifying. In addition, it may involve a complete overhaul of the existing security infrastructure.

  • Rise in phishing attacks

Phishing is one of the most prevalent threats in the digital environment.. Despite advances in cybersecurity, there has been a steady upward trend in phishing attacks in recent years, leading organizations to need more effective ways to protect themselves.

Phishing involves using social engineering tactics to trick users into revealing sensitive information such as passwords, financial data, or downloads of infected files.

Cybercriminals carry out these attacks using various methods, including spoofed emails, fraudulent websites, text messages, or social media campaigns.

You may be interested in our post→ Common types of cyberattacks.

Several factors account for why phishing continues to be a trend in cybersecurity and the continuous increase in phishing attacks.

First, phishing is relatively easy to perform and can be highly effective.. Second, with the rise of remote work and the use of personal devices, cybercriminals have more opportunities to launch successful phishing attacks.

Organizations use a variety of cybersecurity measures and solutions, some of which are highly advanced, to combat phishing.. These include training employees on recognizing and avoiding phishing attacks, using email filters to block phishing emails, and implementing two-factor authentication to protect user accounts.

The most advanced cybersecurity solutions use automation, Artificial Intelligence, and machine learning to detect and prevent phishing attacks.. These tools can analyze emails, websites, social media, and the internet for signs of phishing, helping to protect users and organizations from these attacks.

  • Evolution of Quantum Computing

Quantum computing is a novel cybersecurity trend that promises to revolutionize how organizations protect systems and data.

This technology takes advantage of the properties of quantum mechanics to perform calculations at a speed and scale that are beyond the reach of traditional computers.

This computing has the potential to solve complex cybersecurity problems more efficiently.. For example, it can improve cryptography, making our systems more secure.

Quantum algorithms, such as Shor’s algorithm, can factor large prime numbers much faster than any classical supercomputer.

However, this same power also presents challenges. If cybercriminals gain access to quantum computers, they could use them to break the cryptography that protects our data.. This has led researchers to develop post-quantum cryptography to resist attacks from quantum computers.

In addition, quantum computing has an enormous ability to improve threat detection and cybersecurity incident response.. Quantum systems can analyze vast amounts of security data at a speed hitherto unattainable, identifying threats and responding to them faster and more effectively.

Although still in the early stages of development and evolution, it is indisputable that quantum computing has the potential to transform cybersecurity. On the one hand, it offers new ways to protect our systems and data, but on the other, it presents new cybersecurity challenges.

  • Security in IoT devices

The Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized our interaction with the digital world.. However, this massive interconnectedness has also opened new doors for cybersecurity threats.

IoT devices, which span fields from home appliances to intelligent industrial machinery, generate sensitive data.

When this information is exposed, it can be used for the planning and execution of a cyberattack.

As a result, the security of IoT devices has become a critical trend in the field of cybersecurity.. Enterprises are investing in robust security solutions to protect IoT devices and the data they generate.

And this is a trend in cybersecurity that will continue to evolve as IoT adoption expands. It is therefore imperative that businesses and users take proactive steps to protect their devices and data in this increasingly connected environment.

An effective IoT security strategy involves several layers of protection:

  • Physical security: protection of physical devices, which should not be easily accessible for unauthorized tampering.
  • Network security: Implementing firewalls and other network security measures to protect IoT devices from external attacks.
  • Data Security: Protecting the data generated and transmitted through IoT devices.
  • Regular updates: Keeping devices up-to-date with the latest firmware and software versions to protect against known cybersecurity system vulnerabilities.
  • Security by design: IoT device manufacturers incorporate security measures from the product design phase.
  • User education: Users should be aware of the operation and scope of IoT devices and their risks and informed about security best practices, such as changing default passwords and turning off non-essential features.

Internet of Things as a cybersecurity trend

Learn about our cybersecurity solution for companies

Kartos XTI Watchbots, our Cyber Intelligence platform for enterprises developed by Enthec, provides organizations with the most evolved Cyber Intelligence capabilities on the market so that they can respond to attacks’ evolution and trends.

Using Kartos’s self-developed artificial intelligence in an automated and continuous way, we obtain data on open and exposed vulnerabilities, issue alarms in real-time, and issue reports on the cybersecurity status of organizations and their value chains.

An Artificial Intelligence so evolved that it allows Kartos to be the only Cyber Intelligence platform for companies capable of putting an end to false positives in search results, thus guaranteeing the degree of effectiveness of protection.

If you need more information on how Kartos can protect your business, contact us.