
Extended Threat Intelligence

An army of XTI Watchbots to protect all sectors.


External Threat Intelligence

  • Red
  • DNS Health/Phishing
  • Patch Management
  • IP Reputation
  • Web Security
  • Document Leaks
  • Credential leak
  • Social networks
  • Email security

Riesgo de Terceros

Los ataques a empresas a través de sus proveedores o terceros colaboradores crecen cada año llegando a ser más del 80% de la causa durante el último año. Gracias a los XTI Watchbots de Kartos podrás asegurar tu compañía contra este problema, conociendo en tiempo real el estado de seguridad de sus proveedores, además del suyo propio.

Evaluación de Proveedores

Evaluación del nivel de ciberseguridad de proveedores antes de comenzar la relación comercial y durante todo el tiempo que esta dure. Detección automatizada y en tiempo real de vulnerabilidades asociadas a proveedores.

Ciberseguridad en redes sociales

Enfoque único en el mercado que permite la detección de conversaciones en redes relacionadas con hacktivismo, fraude, phishing o campañas de fake news, entre otras, y conversaciones que puedan hacer sospechar de un ataque en preparación.

Detección de la información filtrada y expuesta

Localización de toda información filtrada y expuesta en la red sobre la organización que esté al alcance de cualquiera que sepa buscarla o tenga interés en adquirirla para utilizarla en su propio beneficio o para preparar un ataque.

Detección de puntos de fuga de información

Localización de las brechas de seguridad que provocan dichas filtraciones de información para que la entidad pueda tomar las acciones que le permitan mejorar sus sistemas de defensa y protegerse de posibles ataques.

Evaluación del nivel corporativo de ciberseguridad

Evaluación independiente de riesgos propios para obtener una visualización amplia de la madurez en ciberseguridad de la organización utilizando un enfoque externo.

Third-party risk

Third Party Risk

Attacks on companies through their suppliers or third-party collaborators grow every year, accounting for more than 80% of the cause during the last year. Thanks to the XTI Watchbots from Kartos you will be able to secure your company against this problem, knowing in real time the security status of your suppliers, in addition to your own.

Supplier Evaluation

Supplier Evaluation

Evaluation of the level of cybersecurity of suppliers before beginning the commercial relationship and for as long as it lasts. Automated and real-time detection of vulnerabilities associated with suppliers.

Cybersecurity in social networks

Cybersecurity in social networks

Unique approach in the market that allows the detection of conversations on networks related to hacktivism, fraud, phishing or fake news campaigns, among others, and conversations that may raise suspicion of an attack in preparation.

Detection of leaked and exposed information

Detection of leaked and exposed information

Location of all information leaked and exposed on the network about the organization that is available to anyone who knows how to look for it or has an interest in acquiring it to use it for their own benefit or to prepare an attack.

Detection of information leak points

Detection of information leak points

Locating the security gaps that cause these information leaks so that the entity can take actions that allow it to improve its defense systems and protect itself from possible attacks.


Supplier Evaluation

Evaluation of the level of cybersecurity of suppliers before beginning the commercial relationship and for as long as it lasts. Automated and real-time detection of vulnerabilities associated with suppliers.

Cybersecurity for the following sectors


Recovery of leaked medical records. Detection of compromised passwords. Protection of the query and operations system. Protection of the hospital care system. Detection of security breaches. Evaluation of partners and suppliers. GDPR compliance.


Recovery of leaked documents. Detection of compromised passwords. Protection of intellectual and industrial property. Protection of the operation of laboratories and plants. Detection of security breaches. Evaluation of partners and suppliers. Brand protection.

Insurance companies

Client IT risk analysis. Detection of compromised passwords. Recovery of leaked parts and files. Cyber leak surveillance service for policyholders. Evaluation of partners and suppliers. GDPR Compliance.


Protection of service continuity. Detection of compromised passwords. Protection against sabotage. Recovery of leaked sensitive information. Detection of security breaches. Evaluation of partners and suppliers. GDPR Compliance.


Recovery of leaked files. Protection of intellectual property. Protection of minors’ information. Detection of compromised passwords of students and employees. Protection of the continuity of academic activity. Brand protection. GDPR Compliance.


Protection against fraudulent orders and interventions. Recovery of leaked sensitive information. Detection of compromised passwords. Detection of security breaches. Prevention of identity theft. Protection of the continuity of financial activity. GDPR compliance.


Protection of service continuity. Protection of intellectual property. Detection of compromised passwords. Detection of security breaches. Protection of IT systems. Evaluation of partners and suppliers. GDPR Compliance.


Protection of the production chain. Detection of compromised passwords. Protection of industrial property and patents. Recovery of leaked sensitive information. Detection of security breaches. Protection of production continuity. Evaluation of partners and suppliers.

Public sector

Protection of citizen data. Protection of the continuity of services. Detection of compromised passwords. Detection of leaked files. Prevention of identity theft. Detection of security breaches. Supplier Evaluation.


Protection of the continuity of customer service. Protection of the continuity of online sales. Detection of compromised passwords. Prevention of identity theft. Detection of security breaches. Brand protection. GDPR compliance. Protection of sensitive data. Risk assessment of third parties, suppliers and partners. Location of sensitive leaked information.


Recovery of leaked medical records. Detection of compromised passwords. Protection of the query and operations system. Protection of the hospital care system. Detection of security breaches. Evaluation of partners and suppliers. GDPR compliance.


Recovery of leaked files. Protection of intellectual property. Protection of minors’ information. Detection of compromised passwords of students and employees. Protection of the continuity of academic activity. Brand protection. GDPR Compliance.

Public sector

Protection of citizen data. Protection of the continuity of services. Detection of compromised passwords. Detection of leaked files. Prevention of identity theft. Detection of security breaches. Supplier Evaluation.


Recovery of leaked documents. Detection of compromised passwords. Protection of intellectual and industrial property. Protection of the operation of laboratories and plants. Detection of security breaches. Evaluation of partners and suppliers. Brand protection.


Protection against fraudulent orders and interventions. Recovery of leaked sensitive information. Detection of compromised passwords. Detection of security breaches. Prevention of identity theft. Protection of the continuity of financial activity. GDPR compliance.


Protection of the continuity of customer service. Protection of the continuity of online sales. Detection of compromised passwords. Prevention of identity theft. Detection of security breaches. Brand protection. GDPR compliance.

Insurance companies

Client IT risk analysis. Detection of compromised passwords. Recovery of leaked parts and files. Cyber leak surveillance service for policyholders. Evaluation of partners and suppliers. GDPR Compliance.


Protection of service continuity. Protection of intellectual property. Detection of compromised passwords. Detection of security breaches. Protection of IT systems. Evaluation of partners and suppliers. GDPR Compliance.


Protection of service continuity. Detection of compromised passwords. Protection against sabotage. Recovery of leaked sensitive information. Detection of security breaches. Evaluation of partners and suppliers. GDPR Compliance.


Protection of the production chain. Detection of compromised passwords. Protection of industrial property and patents. Recovery of leaked sensitive information. Detection of security breaches. Protection of production continuity. Evaluation of partners and suppliers.


Recovery of leaked medical records. Detection of compromised passwords. Protection of the query and operations system. Protection of the hospital care system. Detection of security breaches. Evaluation of partners and suppliers. GDPR compliance.


Recovery of leaked documents. Detection of compromised passwords. Protection of intellectual and industrial property. Protection of the operation of laboratories and plants. Detection of security breaches. Evaluation of partners and suppliers. Brand protection.

Insurance companies

Client IT risk analysis. Detection of compromised passwords. Recovery of leaked parts and files. Cyber leak surveillance service for policyholders. Evaluation of partners and suppliers. GDPR Compliance.


Protection of service continuity. Detection of compromised passwords. Protection against sabotage. Recovery of leaked sensitive information. Detection of security breaches. Evaluation of partners and suppliers. GDPR Compliance.


Recovery of leaked files. Protection of intellectual property. Protection of minors’ information. Detection of compromised passwords of students and employees. Protection of the continuity of academic activity. Brand protection. GDPR Compliance.


Protection against fraudulent orders and interventions. Recovery of leaked sensitive information. Detection of compromised passwords. Detection of security breaches. Prevention of identity theft. Protection of the continuity of financial activity. GDPR compliance.


Protection of service continuity. Protection of intellectual property. Detection of compromised passwords. Detection of security breaches. Protection of IT systems. Evaluation of partners and suppliers. GDPR Compliance.


Protection of the production chain. Detection of compromised passwords. Protection of industrial property and patents. Recovery of leaked sensitive information. Detection of security breaches. Protection of production continuity. Evaluation of partners and suppliers.

Public sector

Protection of citizen data. Protection of the continuity of services. Detection of compromised passwords. Detection of leaked files. Prevention of identity theft. Detection of security breaches. Supplier Evaluation.


Protection of the continuity of customer service. Protection of the continuity of online sales. Detection of compromised passwords. Prevention of identity theft. Detection of security breaches. Brand protection. GDPR compliance. Protection of sensitive data. Risk assessment of third parties, suppliers and partners. Location of sensitive leaked information.

Corporate areas


Kartos protects business continuity, intellectual and industrial property, detects leaked corporate information and security breaches and increases the effectiveness of corporate cyber protection strategies without requiring a high cost of investment, implementation, personnel or maintenance. Provides two levels of reports adapted to the different profiles of the organization.


Kartos provides the information necessary to control corporate information leaked and available on the Web, the Deep Web and the Dark Web, detect latent vulnerabilities, discover security gaps in the organization and flaws in the cyber protection strategy. Kartos works 24×7 in a non-intrusive manner and allows the level of corporate cybersecurity to be evaluated from the point of view of its effectiveness and cybersecurity culture.


Kartos protects the operation and continuity of the organization’s systems by detecting latent vulnerabilities beyond the corporate perimeter and nullifying their effectiveness in a cyber attack. Kartos extends the corporate cybersecurity strategy through a solution that works 24×7 in a non-intrusive manner and its implementation, adoption and management are within the reach of any member of the organization.


Kartos helps protect the brand by detecting latent vulnerabilities that can be used in a cyber attack to cause a reputation crisis. In addition, it prevents the usurpation of the brand identity for fraudulent purposes and protects customers and their data. Kartos allows the configuration of real-time alarms that are customizable by fields of interest to the marketing team.


Kartos helps with compliance with data protection regulations. Detects in real time the availability on the Web, the Dark Web and the Deep Web of sensitive corporate data protected by law. Through its real-time alarm configuration system that is customizable by field, the organization’s legal team will have the necessary information to detect data leaks and avoid the legal consequences of failures in its custody.

Detection of Compromised Elements

  • Passwords and credentials
  • Documents
  • Email
  • Web
  • Information – Ransomware