Concepto de ciberresiliencia

Cyber Resilience: The Concept You Need to Know

Cyber resilience is an approach that extends an organization's traditional cybersecurity…

Gestión de los accesos a laempresa

Cybersecurity Risk Management for C-levels

Cybersecurity risk management is essential for protecting an organization's digital assets, with…

Ingeniería social a altos ejecutivos

Social engineering attacks on senior executives

Senior executives are desirable targets for social engineering attacks because they can access…

Tipos de ciberinteligencia

Cyber-intelligence: what it is and what are its advantages of use at a strategic and tactical level

Cyber-intelligence is an emerging and ever-evolving field that combines elements of traditional…

soluciones de ciberseguridad para las organizaciones

Cybersecurity solutions that you should apply in your company

Protecting your company's information, nowadays, is no longer an option to consider, it is a…

amenaza de spyware

What is spyware and how to protect your digital assets

Our devices have become gatekeepers of personal and professional information. However, they have…

la ia en la cibersuridad

The Relevance of Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a key player for many people in different personal and…

ciberseguridad proactiva

Proactive security: What is it and why use it to prevent and detect threats and cyberattacks?

Proactive security involves a combination of technologies, processes, and practices designed to…

qué es un cve

What is a CVE?

CVE, Common Vulnerabilities, and Exposures is a list of standardized names and codes for naming…