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Types of Malware and keys to prevent these attacks from affecting your company’s security


Protecting against malware involves deploying a corporate strategy that a deep understanding of the threat must underpin. From Enthec we tell you what malware consists of and its different types.

What is malware?

A malware attack is a malicious attempt to gain access to computer systems, networks, or computers to steal sensitive information, infect systems, encrypt data, or cause damage. Malware’s goals include gaining unauthorized access, stealing data, encrypting information, or damaging the affected system. Organizations must be aware of and protect against these attacks because of the severe consequences they can have if successful, such as financial losses, operational disruptions, data recovery costs, and reputational damage. If you’re wondering how many types of malware there are,read on, we’ll tell you about it below.

Types of Malware

The Different Types of Malware You Should Know About

Malware can be classified into different categories depending on its purpose:


One of the most well-known types of malware is viruses, which aim to alter the normal functioning of the computer device, regularly replacing executable files with others containing the device’s code. Its infection can be through removable devices, emails, or network connections.


It is software designed to display unwanted advertising on the screen. One of the methods that infects the system is after downloading a program and inadvertently allowing permissions. The other method of infection may be browsing a website, taking advantage of the vulnerability in the user’s browser to perform an unintentional download.


It is a type of malware that hides in the computer system, monitors user activity, and steals information. In this case, it is infected through unsafe web pages, taking advantage of vulnerabilities through ads or pop-ups that, when clicked, download this type of malware.

spyware as a type of malware


It is malware that appears to be legitimate and harmless software but aims to control the computer, introduce more malicious software, steal data, and spread it to other devices.

Rear Doors

After installation, it gives malicious users access to control a computer remotely. It infects computers from untrustworthy websites or downloads.. It can also infect through emails.


It records keystrokes made on the keyboard to store them in a file and send them over the Internet. They can hide on removable devices, in emails, or downloads from non-legitimate pages.


This type of malware accesses private information stored on the computer to steal and share the most sensitive data, such as passwords.


Ransomware is a type of malware that infects your computer to take control of it and demand a ransom payment in return. When it infects your computer, ransomware encrypts all files and folders on it, preventing keyless access to them.. It is spread through attachments in untrustworthy emails or web pages.

Computer Worm

They are programs that make copies of themselves by staying in different places on the system.. It can make changes to the system without authorization and cause a decrease in system performance or a worse connection.


This type of malware allows hackers to access your computer without your knowledge to hide the processes and files on your system for malicious purposes. It can infect other devices with files or downloads from non-legitimate sites.


Botnets are any group of devices that are infected and controlled remotely by an attacker to control as many devices as possible and carry out illicit activities. It spreads via malicious code on websites after exploiting its vulnerability.

Rogueware (fraudulent software)

This type of malware masquerades as a security tool that launches a fake alert or message that something is wrong with your computer to click on a link to download software that fixes the problem.


Cryptojacking is a type of malware that consists of a practice in which cybercriminals use users’ devices without their consent and use the machine’s resources to “mine” forms of online money known as cryptocurrencies.

Malicious Apps

These types of apps pose as legitimate apps or try to emulate other successful apps. Once installed on the device, they will ask us for a series of abusive permissions, or, on the contrary, they will make fraudulent use of those permissions.

Ways Malware Can Enter a System

Malware gets into a system in different ways.. Some of the most common are:

  • Email: Cybercriminals often use email to distribute malware. This can be through malicious links or attachments in phishing emails.
  • Internet downloads: Some websites may try to install malware on a device when you visit or download something from them. This is especially common on websites that offer freeware or pirated software.
  • External storage devices: Devices such as USB drives can contain malware. If they connect to the system, malware can install automatically.
  • Exploiting vulnerabilities: Cybercriminals often exploit software vulnerabilities to introduce malware into a system. This can be through outdated or unpatched software.
  • Social media: Malicious links can also be distributed through social media platforms. Clicking on a malicious link can install malware.
  • Mobile apps: Malware is often spread through malicious apps on mobile devices. These apps may look legitimate, but they contain malicious code.

You may be interested in our post→ Common types of cyberattacks.

How to Identify a Potential Malware Infection

To identify if a computer is infected with any malware types, it’s crucial to pay attention to specific telltale symptoms. Some of the common signs of malware infection include:

  • Slow system performance: If your computer is running slower than usual, freezing, or not responding correctly, it could indicate infection.
  • Pop-up messages and pop-ups: The constant appearance of messages in pop-up format on the desktop can be a sign of infection.
  • Internet connection issues: Difficulty connecting to the internet or slow browsing may indicate the presence of malware.
  • Unexpected changes in the system: new desktop icons, files with unknown extensions, the disappearance of the antivirus, or disabling the firewall are red flags.
  • Abnormal computer behavior: Automatic actions such as opening unsolicited windows, changes in application languages, or missing files needed to run programs can be signs of infection.

Awareness to protect against malware

Since malware infection is almost always the result of social engineering techniques,malware awareness is essential in any work environment. Knowledge is the best protection against significant damage to computer systems, including data loss, information theft, and disruption of business operations. It’s critical for everyone in any organization to understand malware, how it spreads, and how to avoid it.. This can include training on identifying suspicious emails, the importance of not downloading files from unknown websites, and the need not to click on unsolicited links. This training and awareness must be regular and up-to-dateto prevent routine and trust from facilitating the attack. In addition, workers should also be aware of the warning signs of a malware infectionsuch as slow system performance, frequent crashes, unwanted pop-up ads, and unexpected changes to system settings. Knowledge time that elapses between the attack, detection, and communication is essential to protect against the malware deployed and avoid or minimize the damage.

Protection against different types of malware

Protecting Mobile Devices from Malware

Mobile devices are now incorporated into the work of any organization.. Many of them are privately owned by workers, who use them outside of working hours and the work environment. Therefore, to protect against malware, the organization must expand the scope of training and awareness to include these types of devices, as long as they can access the corporate system from them. Some recommended actions to protect mobile devices against different types of malware are:

  • Regular updates: Keep the operating system and all applications current. Updates often include security patches that protect against new threats.
  • Security software: Install a reliable security app with antivirus and anti-malware protection. Some of these apps also include additional features such as remotely locking and wiping the device if it is lost or stolen.
  • Safe downloads: Only download apps from official app stores such as Google Play Store or Apple App Store. These stores usually have strict security policies and review apps for malware.
  • App permissions: Review the permissions an app requests before installing it. If an app asks for permissions that don’t seem necessary for it to work, it could be a sign that the app is malicious.
  • Safe browsing: Avoid visiting unsafe websites or clicking on suspicious links that could install malware on your device.
  • Public Wi-Fi: Be careful when using public Wi-Fi networks, as cybercriminals frequently use these networks to spread malware. It’s wise to consider using a VPN when you’re on a public Wi-Fi network.
  • Screen lock: Use a screen lock to protect your device in case it’s lost or stolen. This can help prevent unauthorized access to your information.


Deep threat awareness enables organizations to effectively protect against malware types and leverage the capabilities of new cybersecurity solutions, such as our Kartos XTI Watchbots cyber intelligence platform, to prevent attacks before they materialize. Get to know all our solutions!