ciberseguridad proactiva

Proactive security: What is it and why use it to prevent and detect threats and cyberattacks?

Proactive security involves a combination of technologies, processes, and practices designed to…

qué es un cve

What is a CVE?

CVE, Common Vulnerabilities, and Exposures is a list of standardized names and codes for naming…

tendencias en ciberseguridad

The 5 Cybersecurity Trends You Need to Know

Businesses should invest in staying up-to-date with the latest cybersecurity trends to protect…

hashing en ciberseguridad

What is hashing: How it works and uses it in cybersecurity

Hashing is a crucial process in information security that transforms any data into a unique and…

herramientas de ciberseguridad para las empresas

Top cybersecurity tools to use in your business

Implementing cybersecurity tools appropriate to corporate needs within organizations' cybersecurity…

Seguridad digital en las organizaciones

Keys to digital security in companies

Businesses prioritizing digital security are better prepared to face cybersecurity threats and…

seguridad de la información de las organizaciones

Information Security: 5 Best Practices to Implement in Your Company

Digitalization is becoming increasingly relevant in companies, highlighting their dependence on new…

Suplantación de identidad corporativa en rrss

How to prevent social media phishing

Corporate identity theft or brand abuse on social media encompasses various tactics, from fake…

Brecha de seguridad

Security breach: What it is, types and how to find it

As our reliance on digital technology grows, so does the importance of protecting our systems and…