Datos cifrados

What is data encryption: features and how it works

Data encryption is a fundamental security practice to protect digital information and ensure its integrity and privacy.


Data Encryption: Definition

Data encryption is the process of transforming readable information (plaintext) into an encoded format (ciphertext) that can only be read by those who possess a specific decryption key. This process ensures that data is inaccessible to unauthorized persons, thus protecting the confidentiality and integrity of the information.
Its importance lies in several key aspects that ensure the integrity, availability and confidentiality of data:

  • Privacy protection: Data encryption ensures that sensitive information, such as personal, financial, and health data, remains private and secure. By converting plaintext to ciphertext, only authorized persons with the decryption key can access the information.
  • Communications security: Encryption protects against interception and eavesdropping in digital communications, such as emails, instant messages, and online transactions. Encrypting the transmitted data ensures that any attempt to intercept the communication results in unreadable information for the attackers.
  • Regulatory compliance: Many regulations and laws, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe, require encryption to protect personal data. Compliance with these regulations avoids legal penalties and demonstrates an organization’s commitment to protecting its customers and users’ information.
  • Cyberattack and fraud prevention: Data encryption helps prevent unauthorized access and misuse of information, preventing the risk of fraud and cyberattacks. Attackers who attempt to access encrypted data will face a significant barrier, hindering their efforts and protecting critical information.
  • Intellectual property protection: In the business environment, data encryption protects intellectual property, such as trade secrets, patents, and confidential documents. This is essential to maintain competitive advantage and prevent the leakage of valuable information.
  • Customer trust: Database encryption also helps build trust between customers and users. Knowing that an organization protects its personal information increases customer trust and loyalty, which can translate into long-term business benefits.


Data encryption


Top Data Encryption Challenges

Despite its benefits, data encryption presents challenges such as:

  • Key management. Encryption keys’ generation, distribution, and secure storage are critical and complex.
  • Yield. Encryption can affect the performance of systems, especially in the case of asymmetric encryption.
  • Compatibility. It is necessary to ensure that the systems and applications are compatible with the encryption methods.


How Data Encryption Works

The data encryption process uses mathematical algorithms and encryption keys. Database encryption algorithms are mathematical formulas that transform plaintext into ciphertext.
The encryption process consists of the following steps:

  1. Key generation. An encryption key is generated that will be used to transform the plaintext into ciphertext.
  2. Encryption. The encryption algorithm uses the key to convert the plaintext into ciphertext.
  3. Transmission or storage. Ciphertext is transmitted or stored securely.
  4. Decryption. The authorized receiver uses the corresponding key to convert the ciphertext back to plaintext.


Most Effective Techniques for Data Encryption

Keys are essential for data encryption and decryption. There are two main types of encryption:

  • Symmetric encryption: Uses the same key to encrypt and decrypt data.
  • Asymmetric Encryption: uses a pair of public and private keys. The public key encrypts the data, and only the corresponding private key can decrypt it.

Below we explain each of them in more detail.

Symmetric encryption methods

Symmetric encryption is an encryption method that uses the same key to encrypt and decrypt data. It is known for its speed and efficiency, making it ideal for large volumes of data. Some of the most common methods include:

  • AES (Advanced Encryption Standard). It is one of the safest and most widely used algorithms. It offers different key sizes (128, 192, and 256 bits) and is resistant to cryptographic attacks.
  • DES (Data Encryption Standard). Although older and less secure than AES, it is still used in some applications. Use a 56-bit key.
  • 3DES (Triple DES). Improves DES security by applying the algorithm three times with two or three different keys.

Symmetric encryption is efficient, but secure key distribution is a challenge, as both parties must have access to the same key without compromising its security.

Asymmetric encryption methods

Asymmetric encryption uses a pair of keys: a public key and a private key. The public key encrypts the data, while the corresponding private key decrypts it. This method is more secure for data transmission, as the private key is never shared.

  • RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman). It is one of the most well-known and widely used asymmetric encryption algorithms. It provides high security and is used in digital signatures and SSL/TLS certificates.
  • ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography). It uses elliptic curves to provide a high level of security with smaller keys, making it more efficient in terms of performance and resource usage.

Asymmetric encryption is ideal for secure data transmission, although it is slower than symmetric encryption due to its mathematical complexity.
To stay current in this sector, we encourage you to access our content→: The 5 cybersecurity trends you should know.
Now that you know the examples of data encryption, it’s time to discover its key benefits.  

Key Benefits of Data Encryption

Among the key benefits of database encryption, we highlight the following:

Data protection across devices

Data encryption is an essential measure for protecting data on various devices, including mobile phones, computers, and servers.
Encryption ensures that sensitive data remains safe, even if the device is lost or stolen by converting the information into an unreadable format for anyone without the decryption key. This is especially relevant in a world where cyberattacks are becoming more common and sophisticated.  

data encryption examples


Maintaining data integrity

Encrypting data ensures that information is not altered during storage or transmission. This is crucial to prevent malicious tampering and ensure data remains accurate and reliable.
Encryption protects information against unauthorized interception and modification during data transmission. This is especially important on public or unsecured networks, where data can be vulnerable to attack.
Additionally, encryption helps detect any alterations in the data, as any changes to the encrypted information will result in unreadable data when decrypted without the correct key.

Data migration to cloud storage

Data encryption is essential for secure data migration to cloud storage. Encrypting information before transferring it to the cloud ensures that data remains protected from unauthorized access during migration. This is especially important because data can be vulnerable to interception and cyberattacks while moving over public or private networks.
In addition, cloud database encryption ensures that only authorized individuals can access the stored information, thus protecting the privacy and confidentiality of sensitive data. This is crucial to comply with data protection regulations, such as the GDPR in Europe, which requires appropriate security measures.

Kartos XTI Watchbots, the Cyber Intelligence and Cybersecurity platform developed by Enthec, allows your organization to proactively, continuously, and in real-time control key aspects for correct data protection and compliance.

Contact us to know how Kartos can help you protect your data.